Europe +380953181636 & USA +1-773-314-9737





SKY HIGH BLEND is a VERY potent aroma blend, even more potent than Bubblebud / Smokey so it is not for beginners to these kinds of Potpourri.

SKYHIGH is formulated from the highest quality marshmallow herbs, infused with vanilla essence and 5F-MDMB-2201 to deliver a fantastic aroma and a very aesthetically pleasing herbal blend.

This product is sold only for use in research settings.

It is not meant to be burned, and researchers are advised to wear the necessary safety year while handling this product, as it contains a synthetic cannabinoid and is a highly potent one


Welcome to Force Chemicals Plaza, the best research chemicals shop to stock up on advanced materials for your experiments. You need someone you can trust when it comes to delivering 100% legitimate, absolutely pure chemicals and with us you can be absolutely certain in this regard. Our dedication to quality and scientific integrity has made us one of the most respected suppliers in the online market, a reputation we take very seriously and work hard to maintain.

In addition to having the largest choice of research chemicals, our customers can also take advantage of our flexible payment options and reliable delivery. That way, we can help countless researchers from all continents find those rare and little-investigated research materials that frequently can have a major impact on physical, chemical, biological or pharmacological studies. 

are constantly looking for ways to improve our offering by including new research chemicals on our product list as often as we are able to.

Our customers can purchase wholesale orders or in smaller quantities depending on their current needs. In addition to offering Research Chemicals our customers demand the most, we try to stay inclusive and sensitive for preference displayed by our global customers as well. Our final goal is to provide the scientific community with a convenient channel of access to high-quality research chemicals at reasonable prices, serving the progress of knowledge in a technical way.

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50 Grams, 100 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1000 Grams